I’m an economist by training and a data scientist by practice. My work broadly focuses on how markets and firms use non-financial measurements (including ESG data). I’ve also worked on open data and corporate sustainability.

I’m a Research Fellow at the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and a Doctoral Candidate at the Stern School of Business. My Master’s in Social Research Methods (Statistics) is from the London School of Economics and my Diplom in Economics is from the University of Mannheim.

Before joining NYU Stern, I served as the Chief Measurement & Technology Officer at the NYU HUMAN Project, a mobile health startup that is now Datacubed Health. Previously, I led the Startup Incubator for the Open Data Institute.


Research highlights

A map of Italy with the percentage of dark firms for each NUTS2 region.

Going Dark: Incentives for Private Firms’ Strategic Nondisclosure

(with Massimiliano Bonacchi and Ilan Guttman), working paper [SSRN]

The bar chart shows four times two columns, split by corporate and investor studies, which illustrates the relative frequency a study reached a positive, mixed, neutral, or negative conclusion.

Does Sustainability Generate Better Financial Performance? Review, Meta-analysis, and Propositions

(with Tracy Van Holt, Zoe Liu, and Chris Bruno), Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment (2022)

The ROSI framework: when companies include ESG risks and opportunities in their strategy and decision-making process, they improve risk management, stakeholder engagement, operational efficiency, etc., that drive revenue growth, profitability, and valuation.

The Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI) methodology

(with Elyse Douglas, Tracy Van Holt, and Tensie Whelan), (won “Best Paper” $6,000 honorarium), Review of Business (2019)

Visualization and map of the UK by peer-to-peer lending activity.

Peer-to-peer lending and financial innovation in the United Kingdom

(with David Bholat), Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 598 (2016)

A line chart for the compound annual growth rate of conventionally and sustainability-marketed products.

Sustainable Purchasing Patterns and Consumer Responsiveness to Sustainability Marketing Messages

(with Randi Kronthal-Sacco, Tracy Van Holt, and Tensie Whelan), Journal of Sustainability Research (2020)

A bar chart for survey responses to drivers of sustainability-driven innovation.

The cultural consensus of sustainability‐driven innovation: Strategies for success

(with Tracy Van Holt, Matt Statler, Tensie Whelan, Mara van Loggerenberg, and James Cebulla), Business Strategy and the Environment (2020)

A chart illustrating the relative benefits of sustainable supply networks.

Financial benefits of reimagined, sustainable, agrifood supply networks

(with Tracy Van Holt, Martin Delaroche, and Kevin Eckerle), Journal of International Business Policy (2021)

A graphic charting the heart rate of an episode over the course of one hour.

Evaluating Experience Sampling of Stress in a Single-Subject Research Design

(Master’s thesis), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2013)